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Math: We are finishing up our time and measurement unit this week and will soon be moving on to Area and Perimeter! Exciting stuff! The kids have done an excellent job with all the hands-on time and measurement activities Ms. Hailey has been planning. You can help them hone their real-world measurement skills by having them read analog clocks, measure ingredients while cooking, and weighing the bulk items at the grocery store.


Science: We’ve finished up our GIANT animal research projects, and I am so proud of how creative the kids were, how much hard work they put into their research, and of the ownership they took in their learning. We’ve printed several extra copies of the students’ posters and have begun sending them to various education centers throughout the state. I’ve requested that photos be taken of the students’ work hung in the interpretive centers. Stay tuned!


Meanwhile, we’re moving on to Weather & Climate soon!


Social Studies: We’ve already started our last in-depth research unit of the school year. This time, it’s a social studies unit. We will be diving into the history of our hometowns and exploring what it means to be a “Hometown Hero.” We will be venturing into the field throughout the third trimester for research purposes, but I will also be sending a few short, family-time-friendly exploration assignments to be completed at home. These at-home assignments are important because each of the students comes from a different hometown (though most of us hail from Logan). It’s not homework exactly—just work to be done at home. 


ELA: We’re beginning our Opinion/Argument writing this month as we prepare for a final writing/research assignment. In addition to building our writing fundamentals, we’ll be progressing in the art of persuasive writing through evidence-based argument. Sound like too big of an idea for third grade? Just ask them whether they prefer structured or unstructured recess. They’ve got the data to back up their claims!

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Useful Links




Canvas Online Learning Portal


Weather Links

Weather Phenomena


Weather Wiz Kids


Weather for Kids


Cool Weather Facts



Volunteer Sign-up


Utah Compose


Utah Online Library


Lexia Teacher email:

Epic! Classroom Code: scm2456

Scholastic Book Club Class Code: NC2N3


Prodigy Math

Khan Academy Classroom Code: PC6NECJT


EBLS Webpage

EBLS Facebook

3rd Grade Curriculum Standards

3rd Grade Scope & Sequence​










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